MMS Milk Paint, a french settee and some blisters!

MMS Milk Paint, a french settee and some blisters!

This is going to be a picture rich post, you know what they say … a thousand words and all that.

Good condition but very dull and brown!
Good condition but very dull and brown!

We had a cute settee in and it was in good condition but was very brown. I had some fabric I was saving for the perfect project and I thought they would go well together. I stripped the fabric off carefully so I could use it as a template.


Now any notions I had about branching out into the world of upholstery was soon squashed! this was a beast and by the time it was done I realized it will be the last time I attempt anything this big. Dining room seats only from now on!

I think there was at least a billion tacks removed !
I think there was at least a billion tacks removed!


After stripping the fabric and checking everything was in good order I painted the frame with Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint in the lovely colour Linen. I gave it 2 coats all over and force dried it with a hairdryer in the carved areas to get a little bit of crackling ( That’s my tip of the week ).


After 2 coats of Linen
After 2 coats of Linen

I distressed it lightly with my  Sandi Hand ( I’m telling you these are  game changers when it comes to prep and distressing.) It was then waxed with Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture wax and a touch of Antiquing wax added to the carvings to really bring out the details

looking pretty already
looking pretty already

Fun time over now back to getting it covered.  The back of the chair felt like to me that it was missing a bit of padding  so I added some cotton batting ( looks like candy floss  ) and use spray adhesive to secure it . Some more padding was added to which the correct name eludes me but it’s real soft and squishy if that helps at all. 😉


Fluffy squishy stuff
Fluffy squishy stuff


I used the fabric I took off as a template and started stapling it into place. It was nice seeing it come together and at one point I had a bit ‘OMG I’m actually going to be able to get this done’ moment, I’m sure you all know what I mean.


Just love this fabric
Just love this fabric


This fabric came in double width so not much was needed for this project, you can fit 2 people on this chair comfortably and surprisingly it is real comfy.


nearly finished just needing bit of trim.
nearly finished just needing bit of trim.


Some trim was added with a hot glue gun and DAH DA !


Isn't she pretty
Isn’t she pretty
Tempted to take her home
Tempted to take her home
and the other side
and the other side
last beauty shot x
last beauty shot x

I know it has taken away some of the femininity with the map fabric, but I think it looks fab what do you think?

Sarah x

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