Virtual Painting Classes. Learn to paint online!

Virtual Painting Classes. Learn to paint online!

Hi everyone ..really long time no see!

I’ve moved to bigger and better premises and been to Canada for an Industry Conference, started up my virtual paint classes online and been busy building Messenger bots for other businesses! It’s been a busy few months and I’ve neglected you all. I’m sorry and I’ll be good from now on. 😉


Virtual Painting Classes. Learn to paint online!



I wanted to give you all the heads up on the Virtual Classes as the feedback suggests it’s a great way to learn for the people who can’t make it to in-person workshops. There was a couple of reasons why I decided to do these classes,

Virtual Paint Class Online Paint Class

Everyone is time poor and with our busy lives, we often don’t have time to do the fun stuff! with these classes, you will be able to learn at your own pace in your own home! how awesome is that?

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes but one of the bonuses is friendships! meeting like-minded creative people and sharing a fun experience is priceless. Being able to pick up where you left off in your own time is GOLD, No rushing and missing the good stuff, all in your own time.

Virtual Painting Classes. Learn to paint online!

  • You will be added to a private Facebook group where all materials and info will be listed in advanced inside the group.
  • The tutorial will be LIVE at a specified time arranged in advance, all questions will be welcome, join in!
  • You can paint along or watch and do it in your own time! the video will be available to you for 2 weeks.
  • You have time to perfect this technique, in your home at your leisure.
  • I also will be in this group for the full 2 weeks alongside the other class attendees answering questions giving advise and having fun with you.

Virtual Painting Classes. Learn to paint online!

It’s a fun simple way to do something creative and fun! plus it’s an inexpensive way to learn a new technique. It couldn’t be simpler. The next classes will be listed soon so sign up for the waitlist here!

Virtual Painting Classes. Learn to paint online!


I’ve had lots of people interested and I can’t wait to meet you all inside the group. If you have any questions about the class there is more info HERE or alternatively, shoot me an email or comment below and I’ll be happy to oblige.

See you soon

Sarah XX





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