Tips to Grow your furniture painting business online.

So, you have been painting furniture and flipping it for a while, you are earning money and even have your Facebook page set up. You are sharing your stuff to the world on your socials but you’re just not growing as fast as you’d like? You are in the right place I have been helping other paint pros grow their Facebook reach and likes, getting more people looking at their stuff!

Top 10 tips for growing your biz on Facebook.

There are many features on a business page that sometimes gets neglected or overlooked, check yours and make sure you are getting the most out of your Facebook page. Facebook is THE best free tool for your business and with 2 Billion people on Facebook, can you afford not to be on there?


If I landed on your page, would I know within seconds ( cause that’s all you have) what you do, sell, offer? Does your picture tell a story about you and your biz? You haven’t got much time before your potential customer moves on so grab their attention with a quick flash of what you offer. Consider making your header in a photo editing program such as Canva to make a professional impact. My other top tip is to make sure your header is optimized for mobile, most people use their phone to make sure you can see all the important stuff on mobile view.


Having set up your business page, one can assume you want business right? Well if your business isn’t attached to your personal profile and you post on Facebook and in groups about your services and/or products, how will they find you? Most groups only allow you to post as a person so how will potential customers know what your biz is called or how to find you if you haven’t linked your personal profile to your biz page? Your contact details including website phone numbers and email addresses need to be up to date. Including your other socials.


If you have a physical location like a shop or workshop maybe even a warehouse. Use the map feature that FB has provided in the about section of your FB page. Make sure your opening hours and any other relevant info is clear and updated regularly.


Let people know the story of your business, share how you evolved and make sure you list your services and products. Add a picture and maybe something personal ( if appropriate for your biz) Use this as a resume page let your audience know your skill set. Brag a little.


Did you know in settings you can change the template your page is built on to best suit your biz? You can choose different templates including restaurants, shopping, services video format and lots more. You can find it in settings under templates and tabs. You can also add and delete tabs which appear on the left-hand side of your Facebook page on a PC view or across the top of the page under your biz name in mobile view. These tabs include which order you viewers see your page info like pictures, your shop or even your email sign up.


A call to action button usually sits on the top of the page right under your page header. You can set it to say message us or shop or even direct them to book an appointment with you. Maybe you have a group? it can direct them to your community and a few other options too. Having a Call to Action button is asking your audience to take action on the things that are important to you. To change the CTA hover over it and the options will pop up.


There are a few messenger services including the one FB provides us with. I use ManyChat and it’s one of the best tools for growing your audience on FB. It collects subscribers and gives me instant access to my audience. I broadcast to my subscribers 1/2 times a month giving them interesting updates painting tips, tricks, and tutorials. ManyChat does so much more than that but as a tool for collecting your audience, it is the best! I have a bigger ManyChat subscriber list than I do email and I have had my email account for 5 years. Setting up even the FB messenger service lets your audience know you are a serious biz and that you value them contacting you.


Having a unique username makes it easier for people to find you. It will appear below your page name and makes it easier for people to tag you ( @ your business username )
To create a username for your Page:
Click Create Page @Username on the left side of your Page
Enter a username
If the username is available, click Create Username
If the username you want is not available or not approved, you’ll need to choose a different one.


You need to show up! you should decide on a schedule of times thats best to post on your page. You can find when your audience is most active the insights of your page. It shows you in graph form when your people are active on FB, giving you the optimal times to post. When posting on your page you should try to vary your content. FB offers options to make this easier for you, from a status update, a picture adding a video and even going LIVE.


Your page should be your stage to build your community. FB values connections between people. We sometimes forget because we are running a business that FB is a SOCIAL network, so be social and work towards building connections with the people who follow and like your page. Have fun!

Want to grow your Facebook Page?

It can be tough to get your page in front of new people and doing all the steps above sends signals to FaceBook that you are serious. There are numerous different tips and trick to grow your reach and page numbers and you can find a lot of them for free online in groups and other communities.

The problem we have as small businesses is that we are time poor, so getting all the free tips in the order you need them and using them can be time-consuming and frustrating. Wouldn’t it be great if you could get it all in one place?

I also had this problem when I wanted to take my business to the next level so I got help, If I’m sure of anything, it is that you can only take your biz to a certain point before you need help. I joined a tonne of free groups and read everything I can find but all the info was messy and there was no step by step out there.

I took the plunge and got professional coaching .. lots of it! I did a select few courses and learned all the skills I needed to grow my biz online and it paid off! My page numbers grew my reach grew A LOT. I grew my page by 8 thousand like and increased my reach to 2 times the amount of page likes in a very short time. Now it isn’t all about the likes it about reaching your people with content they want and marketing your business.

The coaching and training I have been doing for the last 2 and a half years have given me lots of opportunities. I have built messenger Bots for over a dozen businesses big and small, I have taught breakout sessions at an industry conference on Social Media for small businesses for 2 years running. I have a group where I help other furniture painting business owners just like me grow their reach and page and I LOVE it. Here is what a few of them have said about the group.

Membership group.

I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and even set the group up so I could practice my skills. I have loved every minute of helping these fab ladies grow on social. I have a real passion for helping others and igniting that spark we need to move to the next level! it’s invigorating. So I’m taking the plunge and opening up a membership group where I will help you continue to make a positive impact on Social Media and grow your business!

So how will it work?

You’ll join the private Facebook group where you will get bite-sized weekly training, including optimization, content creation, and content strategy, actions that can be taken with quick results.

You will learn what Facebook wants and how you can implement that to see quick results. We will learn all about page insights and how to use them to grow your business.

I will do a monthly live call where you can get your questions answered in real time and we will have regular Hot Seats with you about what’s next for your business.

There will be a resource section with helpful tools all online businesses need. Most importantly of all, you will be surrounded by like-minded creative biz owners all working towards the same goals.

Join the Waitlist by clicking here.

See you on the inside!

Sarah X

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