Fliprunway Awards 2019

The Fliprunway awards have been set up to recognize and reward exceptional talent here in the UK and Ireland in the professional decorative painting and refinishing market.

It’s a welcome addition to our little industry as there is no formal or otherwise, recognition of the outstanding work that’s achieved by the very talented artisan we have here.

There are many categories and many of the talented ladies I know have been nominated and got through to the finals! The winners will be announced at the award ceremony on Friday 20th September at Fliprunway HQ…. How Exciting!

Having the hard job of judging is, I don’t envy them at all.

Jennylyn Pringle founder of Fusion Mineral Paint Loree Pringle CEO Homestead House Paint Company, Marian Parsons AKA Miss Mustard Seed, Lisa Marie Holmes of Lisa Marie Holmes Health, Antony Devine of Ministry of Upholstery

I’m through to the Finals!

I was blown away when I found out my lovely community had nominated me for lots of the categories and made it to the finals for 12 of them!! 12 … I thanked all my page follows on Facebook and wanted to take the opportunity to thank you too!

I’m chuffed about them all but especially the Best Interior Blog and Best use of Social Media. I work really hard on both of those so it’s fab-tastic to be recognized for it. Gotta say a big THANK YOU for all you who nominated me. 🏆 I already feel like a winner ….. so Thank You X

Meet some of the Talent in the UK

This little corner of the market is growing in talent! serious talent so I thought I’d highlight a few of the others who made it through to the finals

Let me introduce..

My best biz buddy Kate Holt from Colour me KT who made it through to the finals in 9 categories including Fusion Mineral Paint Technical Refinishing Artist Of The Year <<<<<< YOU CAN SEE ALL FINALISTS HERE

Acrylic Fusion paint pour. https://www.facebook.com/ColourMeKT

Sandy Campbell my lovely friend from The Paint Shed Cornwall is a whiz with colour and a finalist in lots of categories including Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Technical Refinishing Artist Of The Year

Milk Paint Gypsy Desk https://www.facebook.com/ThePaintShedCornwall/

Jackie Millington from A cupboard Less Ordinary Jackie has some serious skills with the Milk Paint and is a finalist in the Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Faux Finish Artist Of The Year.

Chippy Milk Paint https://www.facebook.com/ACupboardLessOrdinary/

Nicky Cash from Done Up North is a finalist in the Fusion Mineral Paint Natural Wood Refinishing Artist Of The Year and if you see her signature masking tape cocktail cabinets you know why!

Geometric design MCM cocktail cabinet https://www.facebook.com/doneupnorth/

Shona Murphy or ‘Murph’ as I call her from Made By Murphy is a finalist in Fliprunway UK Spotlight Award. These awards are specifically for up and coming industry refinishers who are setting new standards with their work.

A gorgeous MCM Nathan sideboard https://www.facebook.com/madebymurphy1/

The lovely Laura Downes from Cherubs Chalk Interiors is a finalist in Fliprunway Instagram Refinishing Photographer Of The Year

Cutest MCM side table https://www.facebook.com/Cherubschalksinteriors/

The talented and lovely Jonathan Marc Mendes from Painted Love is a finalist for Fliprunway Mixed Media Refinishing Artist Of The Year. I Interviewed Jonathan a little while ago on Paint Talk With The Pros … what a sweetheart x

He is a true artist https://www.facebook.com/JMMPaintedLove/

Connie Clarke From Faff Designs is also a talented painter and is in the finals for Fliprunway Technical Refinishing Artist Of The Year.

Love her styling https://www.facebook.com/Faffdesigns/

Solly Jo Lewis from Posh Chalk Interiors is a talented artist and friend and is a finalist in Fliprunway UK Recognition Awards Services To The Upcycled Refinishing Industry

Woodubend moulding https://www.facebook.com/Poshchalk/

Jay Blades from Jay & Co a regular on our TV screens is a finalist in Fliprunway TV Refinishing Artist Of The Year. I Interviewed Jay on Paint Talk with The Pros a while back and he is a delight! If you haven’t seen it you must! >> HERE

Jays unmistakable style https://www.facebook.com/Jay-Co-100811059987662/


There are many many more talented finalists and lots more categories, too many to mention them all here but I’d like to congratulate them all. We have a great community in the upcycling industry and we all support and help each other… it’s a beautiful thing y’all.

Having that community to help support our small businesses is essential to us growing and flourishing. We help each other out, pick each other up encourage and even laugh at each other. You lot are the best!

Sarah X

One Comment

  1. Great blog, wishing you and all the talented artisans involved the very best of luck x

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