Sandi Hands – sanding glove

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Sandi hands.

Sandi Hand the handy sanding glove. This sanding tool is perfect for spindles and detail work as well as regular prep.


The cotton glove is a breathable , hand and washable it comes in Ladies   (right & left hand )  Each glove comes with 2 grits 80 grit ,and 180 grit


The tradesman glove is a snug fitting lyra glove comes in size 8, 9, 10,  ( right and left ) Each glove comes with 2 grits 180 grit and 320 grit. 

The glove and grits can be hand washed.


The replacement grit now comes in mixed grit packs of 3 there are 5 mixed packs to choose from:

  • Mixed grit pack ‘A’ which consists of 120 grit, 240 grit and 400 grit sandpaper hands
  • Mixed grit pack “B” which consists of  80 grit, 340 grit, and 400 grit sandpaper hands
  • Mixed grit pack “C” which consists of  80 grit, 320 grit, and 400 grit sandpaper hands
  • Mixed grit pack “D” which consists of  80 grit, 120 grit, and 180 grit sandpaper hands
  • Mixed grit pack “E” which consists of  80 grit, 180 grit, and 320 grit sandpaper hands

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