We are busy here at Home Revival HQ getting ready to do a painting demo for a Miss Ivy Events in the Plymouth Guild hall next Saturday.You can check it out here 🙂 http://www.missivy.co.uk/events-diary.
While I was writing my to-do list, I was wondering who I could get to video the event and demo to feature on a blog post next week, I then remembered we already have a promo video!
Last year a friend of ours let us have the use of their dance studios and we set up a day long demonstration with adults and children, it was recorded by some talented guys at Plymouth college of Art and Design. It was a good day with lots of people getting a look at some of the techniques we offer on our workshops.
So while we get organized I thought I’d share the video
I hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to leave a comment and subscribe to the blog
Thanks guys